Tuesday, March 08, 2011

It's Award Time!!

Yipppeee.... I have been pampered with awards again... :-) Recently, Priya of Now Serving has given me the following two awards.

Awards are a means of appreciation and recognition. Thanks a lot Priya for your kindness and thoughtfulness. It's a great honour. 


Slowly, my blog is growing and along with it a kind of commitment too... I hope to come up with more interesting posts in the future, just praying time could permit!! :-) 

I pass on these awards to all my dear followers and readers, for their wonderful comments and support. Kindly accept this token of love from me :-)


  1. Congrats on the well deserved awards! I'm sure this is just the beginning of plenty more to come. And thanks for generously sharing it with all of us!

  2. Congrats on your awards dear :)
